Benefits of Dog Teeth Cleaning in Granger, IN

Dog teeth cleaning may be more important that you think, because dental problems can be a sign of disease, or can be the initial cause of disease in your dog. It’s always a good idea to have regular wellness check ups where your veterinarian will conduct a thorough oral examination, checking teeth, gums and mouth.  If your veterinarian finds that your dog has inflamed gums, gingivitis, and dental tartar and plaque, a teeth cleaning may be recommended.

About Your Dog’s Teeth Cleaning

Veterinary dentistry includes the dog teeth cleaning, adjustment, scaling, extraction, or repair of your pets’ teeth and other aspects of oral health care. Dental procedures should always be performed by a licensed veterinarian, or a board-certified veterinary dentist. Depending on the state or country, veterinary technicians/nurses are allowed to perform certain dental procedures under the direct supervision of a veterinarian.

A pet dental starts with a thorough oral exam of your pet’s mouth by a veterinarian. X-rays might be done to examine the health of your pet’s jaw and tooth roots below the gum line. Most periodontal disease occurs below the gum line, where you can’t see it, so x-rays are useful for detecting these issues. Also, a thorough dog teeth cleaning and evaluation should be performed under general anesthesia because chances are, your pet won’t sit still for a scaling and cleaning. Teeth cleaning includes scaling with an ultrasonic scaler that removes dental plaque and tartar, and polishing. This process is basically the same process that your dentist uses to clean your teeth.

Dog Teeth Cleaning in Granger, IN

Symptoms of Dental Issues in Dogs

Your pet’s teeth should be checked at least once a year by your veterinarian, that way your veterinarian can detect any possible signs of impending dental issues.

If you notice the following signs in your dog, call your veterinarian and make an appointment:

  • Inappetence or reluctance to eat
  • Bad breath
  • Extra teeth or retained baby teeth
  • Broken, loose or wiggly teeth
  • A painful mouth
  • Swelling around the mouth and below the eye
  • Bleeding from the mouth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Heavy tartar and cement-like deposits on teeth
  • Excessive drooling, dropping food
  • Changes in behavior, irritability

Causes of Dental Issues in Dogs

The causes of dental issues in dogs are similar to causes seen in humans:

  • Periodontal and gum disease
  • Broken teeth, broken tooth roots
  • Cysts, tumors or growths in the mouth
  • Dental abscesses
  • Palate defects such as cleft palates (more prevalent in short-nosed breeds)
  • Malocclusion, or a misalignment of the upper and lower jaws
  • Jaw or maxillary fractures
  • Excess tartar buildup

Benefits of Dog Teeth Cleaning in Granger, IN

The benefits of a professional dog teeth cleaning by your veterinarian include the following:

Preventing Pain

Preventing mouth Dental disease, especially when it’s severe, can be quite painful for dogs. Keeping your dog’s teeth and gums healthy can help prevent this.

Preventing Bad Breath

If your dog’s breath practically knocks you out, it might be time for a teeth cleaning. When your dog has a healthy mouth, bad breath usually isn’t a problem.

Preventing Periodontal Disease

The most common cause of dental problems in dogs is periodontal disease, which can emerge as early as three years of age. Early detection and treatment are important, because untreated periodontal disease can lead to severe health problems for your dog down the road, such as kidney, liver, and heart issues.

Periodontal disease starts when dental plaque hardens into tartar. Plaque consists of sticky deposits on the teeth that are created by bacteria. Tartar is the cement-like looking material that hardens on the surface of the tooth, visible just above the gum line. Plaque and tartar that rest below the gum line are damaging, and can set your dog up for infection, and resorption of alveolar bone (the type of bone found in the upper and lower jaws). Plaque build-up can also affect the issues that connect the teeth to the jaw bones. Veterinarians grade periodontal disease on a scale of 0 (normal) to 4 (severe). Grade 0 means no plaque or gingivitis, Grade 1 means mild gingivitis and plaque, Grade 2 means mild to moderate tartar and gingivitis, and Grade 3 means heavy tartar and periodontal disease, with some bone loss in the surrounding jaw bone. Tooth fractures may be present, so dental radiographs are often recommended for these cases. Finally, Grade 4 periodontal disease means severe tartar, periodontal disease, possibly loose teeth, fractured teeth and oral pain.

Preventing Heart and Organ Damage

In addition to causing damage and infection to your dog’s mouth, periodontal disease can also cause widespread damage to your pet’s body and internal organs if not treated. For example, the more sinister side-effects of advanced periodontal disease is endocarditis, where bacteria from the mouth enters the bloodstream, and lodges in the valves of the heart, in turn causing inflammation and heart damage. Bacteria in the bloodstream can also damage the membranes of the kidneys, causing them to malfunction. In addition, oral bacteria can also infiltrate the liver, and cause liver damage. This is why it’s important to schedule regular exams with your veterinarian, so that you can avoid serious health issues down the road. The best treatment for periodontal disease in your dog involves a thorough dental cleaning, scaling and polishing. Dental x-rays may be recommended as well. X-rays are especially helpful when evaluating your dog’s dental health as they can detect possible problems not visible to the naked eye. Even though you may be diligent in brushing your dog’s teeth, and promoting good dental health by offering dental chews, and keeping your pet healthy and happy, chances are you’ll have to schedule a dog teeth cleaning with your veterinarian at some point.

The Dog Teeth Cleaning Process

As most dental procedures are performed under anesthesia, your veterinarian will be sure to conduct a thorough physical examination prior to anesthesia. Depending on several factors, and the age and health of your dog, your veterinarian may recommend blood work prior to the procedure to ensure that your dog’s liver and kidneys can adequately process anesthetic agents. If the blood work is good, and any other diagnostics are normal, then your dog will be ready for a dental. The process usually entails the placement of an IV (intravenous) catheter, IV fluids, a preanesthetic dose to help your animal relax, and then the induction period when your dog is placed under anesthesia. Just as with humans undergoing general anesthesia, your veterinarian will closely monitor vital signs such as blood pressure, oxygen saturation, heart function, body temperature, and other cardio-respiratory values. Your veterinarian will conduct a thorough oral exam, just as a human dentist would, and may also take mouth x-rays. After the procedure, your veterinarian will “wake up” your dog, place him in recovery where post-procedure vitals are monitored. Most veterinarians do their teeth cleanings in the morning, and send their patients home at the end of the day.

Talk to Your Vet About Dog Teeth Cleaning in Granger, IN

Regular exams with your veterinarian are crucial in keeping your dog healthy and happy, and this includes regular dental exams and teeth cleanings as well. If you have any questions about dog teeth cleaning or would like to schedule an appointment call Kryder & Harr Veterinary Clinic at (574) 277-6533!


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Welcome to Kryder & Harr Veterinary Clinic! Our animal hospital has been a fixture in the Granger community since 1981, practicing full-service veterinary medicine for all our pet parents and their furry family members. At KHVC, we pride ourselves on our history, of providing excellent customer service for our clients, along with dedicated, compassionate, and exceptional medical care for all of our patients.